Field Brome, Smooth Brome
Bromus japonicus
Synonyms: Bromus anatolicus, Bromus arvensis, Bromus japonicus ssp. anatolicus, Bromus japonicus var. porrectus, Bromus patulus
Japanese brome observed east of Canyon Creek, Klickitat Wildlife Area......July 3, 2022. Note that there are usually 2 or 3 spikelets originating from each panicle branch.
Close-ups of the spikes of japanese brome as seen along the Valley Trail at the Little Spokane River Natural Area, Spokane County, Washington.........July 5, 2011.
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Additional close-ups of the inflorescence of japanese brome as seen along the Valley Trail at the Little Spokane River Natural Area, Spokane County, Washington..........July 5, 2011. The spikes nod and thus are oriented to one side of the inflorescence as they mature.
Close-ups of maturing spikelets of japanese brome as seen along Forest Service Road #1647 in southeastern Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest.........August 3, 2011.
Maturing spikelets of japanese brome as seen along the South Prong Trail #821, Black Canyon Wilderness........June 16, 2019.
Paul Slichter