[The Order Hymenoptera in Mt. Adams Country]

Unidentified Wasp #2

Order Hymenoptera

This photo shows a wasp dragging a caterpillar into a hole (as food for its young) as seen in dry meadows to the northeast of the Klickitat Fish Hatchery along the River Route Road........May 26, 2008. - This photo shows a wasp dragging a caterpillar into a hole (as food for its young) as seen in dry meadows to the northeast of the Klickitat Fish Hatchery along the River Route Road........May 26, 2008.

These photos show a wasp dragging a caterpillar into a hole (as food for its young) as seen in dry meadows to the northeast of the Klickitat Fish Hatchery along the River Route Road........May 26, 2008.

Paul Slichter E-mail