Acorn Woodpecker
Melanerpes formicivoris
Acorn woodpeckers observed at the Klickitat Wildlife Area.......November 2, 2020.

Acorn woodpeckers observed at the Klickitat Wildlife Area......September 25, 2019. Approximately 10-12 acorn woodpeckers were present, along with several hundred Lewis' woodpeckers. The acorn woodpeckers were also defending oaks as granary trees.

Habitat that the acorn woodpecker can be found in, with the acorn storage tree (a ponderosa pine) shown at center. Klickitat Wildlife Area........April 26, 2016.
A ponderosa pine snag acting as an acorn storage tree for acorn woodpeckers as seen at the Klickitat Wildlife Area........April 26, 2016.
Paul Slichter