Cascades Frog
Rana cascadae

A cascades frog seen where the Crofton Ridge
Trail #73 crosses Crofton Creek on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams...............June
19, 2005.

A cascades frog found at Takh Takh Meadows on the northwestern
slopes of Mt. Adams..................August 6, 2005.

The photo above shows a cascades frog as seen hiding under the surface of a pond amongst vegetation at Bird Creek Meadows.....................July 19, 2007.

The photo above shows a cascades frog tadpole metamorphizing
to an adult at a frog pond along Trail #10 in Bird Creek Meadows on the southeastern
slopes of Mt. Adams.............mid September 1998.

The photo above shows a very young cascades frog during its first
days venturing from the water. Photographed at a frog pond along Trail E10 in
Bird Creek Meadows at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams................ mid
September 1998.
Paul Slichter