Broadleaf Arrowhead, Common Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Wapato
Sagittaria latifolia
Synonyms: Sagittaria esculenta, Sagittaria latifolia var. obtusa, Sagittaria latifolia var. pubescens
The photo above shows a close-up of the inflorescence of arumleaf arrowhead as seen in an irrigation canal along Kreps Lane in Conboy National Wildlife
Refuge........July 9, 2006.
The photo above shows the inflorescence and leaves of broadleaf arrowhead as seen in an irrigation canal along Kreps Lane in Conboy National Wildlife Refuge.........July 9, 2006.
The photo above shows the distinctive arrowhead-shaped leaves of broadleaf arrowhead as seen in an irrigation canal along Kreps Lane in Conboy National Wildlife Refuge.........July 9, 2006. Note that the lobes of the blade are very long and narrow on this species.
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The photos above show broadleaf arrowhead as seen in an irrigation ditch along Kreps Lane in Conboy Lake National Wildlifer Refuge.........July 2, 2007.
Paul Slichter