[Stonecrops: The Genus Sedum in Mt. Adams Country]

Pacific Stonecrop, Spreading Stonecrop

Sedum divergens

Synonym: Amerosedum divergens

Flowers of Pacific Stonecrop, Spreading Stonecrop: Sedum divergens (Synonym: Amerosedum divergens)

The photos on this page were all photographed on rocky cliffs about 1/4 mile up the climbers trail from the Bird Creek Meadows Parking Lot at the southeast corner of Mt. Adams........August 7, 2004.

Flowers of Pacific Stonecrop, Spreading Stonecrop: Sedum divergens (Synonym: Amerosedum divergens)

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of spreading stonecrop, as seen high above the White Salmon River on cliffs above Forest Road #23 at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams...........June 21, 2005.

Pacific Stonecrop, Spreading Stonecrop: Sedum divergens (Synonym: Amerosedum divergens)

The photo above shows the general spreading form of spreading stonecrop as seen high above the White Salmon River on cliffs above Forest Road #23 at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams..........June 21, 2005. The leaves are tightly clustered together at this time, but eventually spread out as the stem elongates through the summer (as seen below).

Pacific Stonecrop, Spreading Stonecrop: Sedum divergens (Synonym: Amerosedum divergens)

The photo above shows the opposite leaves and inflorescence of spreading stonecrop.

Leaves of Pacific Stonecrop, Spreading Stonecrop: Sedum divergens (Synonym: Amerosedum divergens)

The photo above shows the decumbent, "spreading stem of spreading stonecrop. note the opposite leaves, with those lower on the stem beginning to shrivel.

Paul Slichter