False Saxifrage, Fireleaf Leptarrhena, Leatherleaf Saxifrage, Leather-leaved Saxifrage, Pearleaf
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia
Synonyms: Lepuropetalon amplexifolium, Saxifraga amplexifolia, Saxifraga calycina, Saxifraga calycina ssp. unalaschcensis, Saxifraga davurica, Saxifraga davurica var. unalaschcensis, Saxifraga pyrolifolia, Saxifraga unalaschcensis

Leatherleaf saxifrage observed in a moist area along a stream along the Goat Ridge Trail #95 in Jordan Basin, Goat Rocks Wilderness.......July 12, 2018.

The photo above shows a close-up of the thick,
leathery basal leaves of false saxifrage as seen along Forest Road 2329 at East
Fork Adams Creek on the northern flanks of Mt. Adams.........June 21,
2005. The plants had already bloomed at this location when this photo
was taken.
Paul Slichter