[The Saxifrage Fmily in Mt. Adams Country]

Common Elmera, Yellow Coralbells

Elmera racemosa var. racemosa

The photo above shows yellow coralbells as seen along the Hurricane Hill Trail in Olympic National Park.........July 25, 2008. This species is fairly similar in appearance to fringecups (Tellima grandiflora) which has currently not been found on Mt. Adams.

Locations on Mt. Adams Where This Species May be Found:

1. At the base of shaded cliffs high atop north-facing talus slopes on the Ridge of Wonders on the east side of Mt. Adams.

Common Elmera, Yellow Coralbells: Elmera racemosa var. racemosa

The photo above shows yellow coralbells as seen along the Hurricane Hill Trail in Olympic National Park.........July 25, 2008.

Common Elmera, Yellow Coralbells: Elmera racemosa var. racemosa

The photo above shows yellow coralbells as seen along the Hurricane Hill Trail in Olympic National Park........July 25, 2008.

Common Elmera, Yellow Coralbells: Elmera racemosa var. racemosas

The photo above shows yellow coralbells as seen along the Hurricane Hill Trail in Olympic National Park.........July 25, 2008.

Common Elmera, Yellow Coralbells: Elmera racemosa var. racemosa

The photo above shows yellow coralbells as seen at Sunrise on Mt. Rainier.........August 23, 1996.

Paul Slichter