Crabapple, Cultivated Apple, Domestic Apple
Malus xdomestica
Synonyms: Malus pumila, Malus sylvestris, Pyrus malus
The photo above shows the pomes (fruits) of a crabapple as seen on Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge lands at the east end of Kreps Lane........September 22, 2007. The pomes are each about 6-7 cm across. There are several crabapple trees at this location, but they are surrounded by large ponderosa pines, so they may be fairly old in age.
Close-ups of the dorsal surface (left) and ventral surface (right) of the leaf of a domestic crabapple. Photographed at the east end of Kreps lane in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge..........September 22, 2007.
The photo above shows the pomes (fruits) of a crabapple as seen on Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge lands at the east end of Kreps Lane.........September 22, 2007. The pomes are each about 6-7 cm across.
Paul Slichter