Turpentine Cymopterus
Pteryxia terebinthina var. terebinthina
formerly Cymopterus terebinthinus

Turpentine cymopterus sprawling across the
alpine soils of the Ridge of Wonders at about 6650'......................August
12, 2006.
The photo above shows turpentine cymopterus as seen in open coniferous forest along the Willard Springs foot trail, Conboy Lake N.W.R. at the southeastern foot of Mt. Adams...................May 4, 2007.

The photos on this page show turpentine cymopterus as seen on the Ridge of Wonders, September 8, 2001.

Note the wrinkled and winged ridges on the
fruits of turpentine cymopterus. (Willard Springs, Conboy Lake NWR, July 2, 2007)
Paul Slichter