[Broomrapes: The Genus Aphyllon in Mt. Adams Country]

Clustered Broomrape

Aphyllon franciscanum

Synonym: Orobanche fasciculata var. franciscana

Aphyllon franciscanum is very similar to Aphyllon fasciculatm but parasitic upon Eriogonum sp., Eriophyllum lanatum, Phacelia sp. and others but not on Artemisia sp.

Sideview of a flower of Clustered Broomrape: Aphyhllon franciscanum (Synonym: Orobanche fasciculata var. franciscana)

The photo above shows a close-up side-view of the corolla and calyx of clustered broomrape as seen at about 4100' amongst bunchgrasses and elk sedge at a DNR rock quarry atop the ridge dividing the Cougar and Dairy Creek drainages at the southeast side of Mt. Adams.........June 10, 2005. Note the numerous glandular hairs on both the corolla and calyx.

Mouth of the flower of Clustered Broomrape: Aphyhllon franciscanum (Synonym: Orobanche fasciculata var. franciscana)

The photo above shows a close-up of the mouth of the corolla of clustered broomrape as seen at about 4100' amongst bunchgrasses and elk sedge at a DNR rock quarry atop the ridge dividing the Cougar and Dairy Creek drainages at the southeast side of Mt. Adams..........June 10, 2005. Note the numerous gland-tipped hairs on the corolla and calyx and numerous hairs on the inner surface of the petals and on the palette.

Clustered Broomrape: Aphyhllon franciscanum (Synonym: Orobanche fasciculata var. franciscana)

The photo above shows clustered broomrape as seen at about 4100' amongst bunchgrasses and elk sedge at a DNR rock quarry atop the ridge dividing the Cougar and Dairy Creek drainages at the southeast side of Mt. Adams..........June 10, 2005.

Paul Slichter