Little Pipsissewa, Little Prince's-pine, Little
Prince's Pine
Chimaphila menziesii
Synonym: Pyrola menziesii
A close-up phots of the flower of little prince's pine as seen in coniferous forest along the old Champion Lumber Company Haul Road about 2 miles south of Leidl Park in the middle Klickitat River Gorge............June 10, 2012.
Additional close-up photos of the leaves and flowers of little prince's pine as seen in coniferous forest along the old Champion Lumber Company Haul Road about 2 miles south of Leidl Park in the middle Klickitat River Gorge............June 10, 2012.
Little pipsissewa as seen along the Don's Cutoff Trail (part of the Hamilton Mountain loop trails) in Beacon Rock State Park, western Columbia River Gorge..............April 23, 2011.
Little pipsissewa as seen along the Willard Springs Trail, Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge..........June 203, 2013.
Paul Slichter