[The Gooseberries and Currants: The Genus Ribes in Mt. Adams Country]

Mapleleaf Currant

Ribes acerifolium

Synonym: Ribes howellii - Mis-applied name.

Mapleleaf Currant, Maple-leaf Currant: Ribes acerifolium (Synonym: Ribes howellii)

The photo above shows the leaves of mapleleaf currant as seen along the Round the Mt. Trail #600 at the base of McNeil Pt. on the northwestern slopes of Mt. Hood..........October 1, 2008.


Mapleleaf currant is a shrub typically found in open woods at the edge of meadows at moderate to subalpine elevations on Mt. Adams.


Mapleleaf currant can be found on the southern and southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams.

Paul Slichter