[Centaurys: The Genus Centaurium in Mt. Adams Country]

Common Centaury, European Centaury

Centaurium erythraea

Synonym: Centaurium umbellatum

Common Centaury, European Centaury: Centaurium erythraea (Synonym: Centaurium umbellatum)

The photo above shows the flat-topped umbel of common centaury as seen at Willard Springs in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge to the southeast of Mt. Adams.......July 28, 2006. Note that the flowers of this species has 5 lobes.

Common Centaury, European Centaury: Centaurium erythraea (Synonym: Centaurium umbellatum)

A close-up sideview of the inflorescence of common centaury.........July 28, 2006.

Common Centaury, European Centaury: Centaurium erythraea (Synonym: Centaurium umbellatum)

A close-up sideview of the narrow calyx lobes and long corolla tube of common centaury. The corolla lobes flare from the corolla tube at approximately right angles to the tube........July 28, 2006.

Paul Slichter