[The Penstemons of Mt. Adams]

Rydberg's Penstemon

Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis

Rydberg's  Penstemon: Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis

Close-up of the inflorescence of Rydberg's penstemon as seen in wet forest along Troh Lane at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge............June 17, 2014.

Rydberg's  Penstemon: Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis - Rydberg's  Penstemon: Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis - Rydberg's  Penstemon: Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis

Basal leaves and sterile shoots of Rydberg's  Penstemon: Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis - Rydberg's  Penstemon: Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis

Additional close-up images of Rydberg's penstemon as seen in wet forest along Troh Lane at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge............June 17, 2014.

The photo above shows Rydberg's penstemon as seen at about 4100' along Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt., which is on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams.........July 9, 2006.

The photo above shows a close-up frontal view of the flower of Rydberg's penstemon as seen at about 4100' along Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt., which is on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........July 9, 2006. The glabrous pollen sacs are opposite each other and open fully.

The photo above shows a close-up sideview of the calyx and corolla of Rydberg's penstemon as seen at about 4100' along Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt., which is on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 9, 2006. Note the glabrous exterior surface of the corolla, which helps limit the choices of species that this could be. The corolla is about 15 mm long.

The photo above shows a close-up of the stamens and fuzzy-tipped staminode of Rydberg's penstemon as seen at about 4100' along Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt., which is on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........July 9, 2006.

The photo above shows a close-up of a pair of sessile, midstem leaves of Rydberg's penstemon as seen at about 4100' along Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt., which is on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams.........July 9, 2006.

Paul Slichter