Corrugate-seeded Spurge, Ribseed Sandmat, Rib-seed Sandmat, Ridgeseed Spurge, Ridge-seeded Spurge
Euphorbia glyptosperma
Synonym: Chamaesyce glyptosperma

The photo above shows the upper leaf surfaces of corrugate-seeded spurge as seen along the Klickitat Hatchery Road east of Glenwood, WA.........September 8, 2007. Both leaf surfaces as well as the stems are glabrous. The flowers lack petals and the calyx is 5-lobed.

The photo above shows the lower leaf surfaces of corrugate-seeded spurge as seen along the Klickitat Hatchery Road east of Glenwood, WA.........September 8, 2007. Note the numerous 3-lobed seedpods. Note also the roots which arise from the nodes.

The photo above shows the corrugate-seeded spurge as seen along the Klickitat Hatchery Road east of Glenwood, WA..........September 8, 2007. Both leaf surfaces as well as the stems are glabrous.

The photo above showsanother view of the upper leaf surfaces of corrugate-seeded spurge as seen along the Klickitat Hatchery Road east of Glenwood, WA.........September 8, 2007. Both leaf surfaces as well as the stems are glabrous. The flowers lack petals and the calyx is 5-lobed.
Paul Slichter