Leafy Water Buttercup, White Water Buttercup
Ranunculus aquatilis var. aquatilis
Synonyms: Ranunculus aquatilis var. hispidulus, Ranunculus trichophyllus, Ranunculus trichophyllus var. hispidulus

Leafy water buttercup as seen in wetlands along the west rim of the Klickitat River, Klickitat Canyon NRCA...........May 1, 2015. The difference between floating and submerged leaves should clearly be seen.

Leafy water buttercup as seen in a pond along the wildlife area access road west of Grayback Mountain Road, Klickitat Wildlife Area.........April 26, 2016.

The photo above shows white water buttercup as seen in a pond in the Columbia Hills to the north of the Columbia River Gorge in south-central Washington..........June
8, 2008. The floating and submerged leaves are alike.
Paul Slichter