Nuttall's Larkspur, Upland Larkspur
Delphinium nuttallii ssp. nuttallii
Synonym: Delphinium nuttallii ssp. nuttallii
The photos of Nuttall's larkspur on this page were taken along
Laurel Road at Conboy National Wildlife Refuge at the southeastern foot of Mt.
Adams. Photographed on June 18, 2006.
Note that many of the pedicels are longer than
the spurs. The stems are hollow.

The photo above shows a typical basal leaf.

The leaves of this species are quickly reduced
in size upwards on the stem. The inflorescence consists of several to many flowers.

The photo above shows the capsule of Nuttall's larkspur.
Note the abundent pubescence which covers the capsules.
Paul Slichter