Longhorn Steer's-head, Long-horn Steer's-head, One-flowered Dicentra, Steer's Head
Dicentra uniflora

The photo above shows the leaves and flower of steer's-head as seen atop the ridge between Dairy and Cougar Creeks on the eastern slopes of Mt. Adams...........May 6, 2006.

The photo above shows longhorn steer's-head as seen on south-facing slopes near the summit of King Mt., which is several miles south of Mt. Adams............May 13, 2007.

The photo above shows longhorn steer's-head as seen on south-facing slopes near the summit of King Mt., which is several miles south of Mt. Adams...........May 13, 2007.

The photo above shows the leaves of longhorn steer's-head as seen on King Mt., which is several miles south of Mt. Adams............May 13, 2007.

The photo above shows the leaves and flower
of steer's-head as seen atop the ridge between Dairy and Cougar Creeks...............May
6, 2006. The developing capsule can be seen within the petals.
Sites this species may be seen on Mt. Adams:
1. Open areas high on Stagman Ridge.
2. Open areas above 4000' on the ridge separating
Dairy and Cougar Creeks at the east side of the mountain.
3. Open coniferous woods above 4100' on the south-facing slopes of King Mt., several miles south of Mt. Adams.
Paul Slichter