Elegant Rockcress, Sicklepod Rockcress
Boechera sparsiflora
Synonyms: Arabis arcoidea, Arabis peramoena, Arabis polytricha, Arabis sparsiflora, Arabis sparsiflora var. peramoena, Arabis sparsiflora var. sparsiflora, Boechera sparsiflora var. sparsiflora

What appears to be elegant rockcress (Boechera sparsiflora) observed in open oak forest on the southeast-facing slopes of Grayback Mountain about 6 miles south of the Yakima-Klickitat county lines.....May 14, 2023. The pedicels have a mix of simple and double-forked hairs, though a few are tri-forked which might suggest Boechera pauciflora.
Paul Slichter