Elegant Rockcress, Sicklepod Rockcress
Boechera sparsiflora
Synonyms: Arabis arcoidea, Arabis peramoena, Arabis polytricha, Arabis sparsiflora, Arabis sparsiflora var. peramoena, Arabis sparsiflora var. sparsiflora, Boechera sparsiflora var. sparsiflora
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What appears to be elegant rockcress (Boechera sparsiflora) observed in open oak forest on the southeast-facing slopes of Grayback Mountain about 6 miles south of the Yakima-Klickitat county lines.....May 14, 2023. The pedicels have a mix of simple and double-forked hairs, though a few are tri-forked which might suggest Boechera pauciflora.
Paul Slichter