Dropseed Rockcress, Hoelboell's Rockcress
Boechera pendulocarpa
Synonyms: Arabis exilis, Arabis holboellii var. pendulocarpa

The photo above shows a side-view of the spreading-pendant
fruits of an unidentified rockcress as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at
about 7850' on cliffs at the eastern edge of the Devils Garden.........July
24, 2005.

The photo above shows a side-view of the pendant
fruits of an unidentified rockcress as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at
about 7850' on cliffs at the eastern edge of the Devils Garden.........July
24, 2005. Note thate the pedicels are fairly densely haired and that the pedicels
leave the stem ascending or spreading and then sharply turn downwards. The hairs
seem divided into 2 forks at about midlength.

photo above shows a side-view of the spreading-pendant fruits of an unidentified
rockcress as seen along the Highline Trail #114 at about 7850' on cliffs at
the eastern edge of the Devils Garden..........July 24, 2005. Note that
the stem leaves overlap somewhat and that the two uppermost axils bear pairs
of leaflets which may be the start of side branches.
Paul Slichter