Lowland Rotala, Lowland Toothcu,p Tooth Cup
Rotala ramosior
Synonyms: Rotala catholica, Rotala dentifera, Rotala ramosior var. interior, Rotala ramosior var. typica
Lowland toothcup as seen in vernally moist wetlands at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge.........August 3, 2014.
Close-up of the bell-shaped hypanthium (with shallow calyx teeth) of lowland toothcup. Note that this species has only a single flower per leaf axil. Photographed in a small creek near Glenwood, WA...........September 15, 2013.
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Close-ups of the flowers (past bloom), lanceolate to oblanceolate, opposite stem leaves and habitat of lowland toothcup. Photographed in a small creek near Glenwood, WA...........September 15, 2013. This rare species (in Washington) can be found in slow-moving, shallow streams and on moist ground on lake edges or along larger streams and rivers.
Lowland toothcup (past bloom) spotted in a vernal swale at Conboy Lake NWR.........August 26, 2018.
Lowland toothcup as seen in vernally moist wetlands at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge.........August 3, 2014.
Paul Slichter