[Willowherbs: The Genus Epilobium in Mt. Adams Country]

Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb

Epilobium luteum

Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteum

The photo above shows yellow willow-herb as seen along Shorthorn Creek at about 5600' along the Shorthorn Trail #16 on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 30, 2005. Note the glands on the outer surface of the seed capsules seen immediately below the flowers.

Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteumThe photo at right shows yellow willow-herb as seen from Trail #9, the Shorthorn Cr Trail, Mt. Adams Wilderness........August 31, 1996.

Yellow willow-herb is an upright to spreading, bushy wildflower. It may grow from 15 to 70 cm tall. The stems are slender with opposite, almost sessile leaves. The numerous leaves are finely toothed, to 7.5 cm long, and lanceolate to ovate in shape.

The flowers appear singley from the upper leaf axils, and are 4-petaled. The flowers are a creamy light yellow color, and may be as much as 2 cm long. The petals are obcordate in shape, 14 to 18 mm long. The petals overlap so the flower looks partly closed. In addition, the flowers have 4 sepals and 8 stamens.


Yellow willow-herb is a wildflower of open, moist meadows and streamsides from moderate to high elevation in the Cascades and Olympic Mts.


Yellow willow-herb is found from Alaska southward to Vancouver Island, the Olympic Mts, and the Cascades of Oregon and Washington.

Flower of Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteum

The photo above shows the flower of yellow willow-herb as seen along Shorthorn Creek at about 5600' along the Shorthorn Trail #16 on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 30, 2005. The elongated style and short-lobed stigma are evident in this photo.

Leaf of Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteum

The photo above shows the lightly toothed leaf blade of yellow willow-herb as seen along Shorthorn Creek at about 5600' along the Shorthorn Trail #16 on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 30, 2005.

Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteum

The photo above shows yellow willow-herb as seen along Shorthorn Creek at about 5600' along the Shorthorn Trail #16 on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 30, 2005.

Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteum

The photo above shows a large mass of yellow willow-herb as seen along the Round the Mt. Trail #9 in the Mt. Adams Wilderness.........September 5, 2008.

Yellow Willowherb, Yellow Willow-herb: Epilobium luteum

The photo above shows yellow willow-herb from the Round the Mt Trail, southern section, Mt. Adams Wilderness...........8/7/90.
Paul Slichter