Fragile Onion, Scilla-like Onion
Allium scilloides
Fragile onions observed in swales above the east rim of Canyon Creek about 4 miles or so south of Grayback Mountain, Klickitat Wildlife Area.......March 12, 2020. This species is uncommon in northwestern Klickitat County. It is more common in north-central Klickitat County and to the northeast in Yakima County.
Fragile onions observed in swales above the east rim of Canyon Creek about 4 miles or so south of Grayback Mountain, Klickitat Wildlife Area.......April 8, 2023.
Fragile onions observed in swales above the east rim of Canyon Creek about 4 miles or so south of Grayback Mountain, Klickitat Wildlife Area.......March 12, 2021.
Paul Slichter