[Wildflowers of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Ferns of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington

Brewer's Cliffbrake: Pellaea breweri

Brewer's Cliffbrake: Pellaea breweri

The Spleenwort Family in the Cascade Mountains: Aspleniaceae

The Chain Fern Family in the Cascade Mountains: Blechnaceae

The Bracken Family in the Cascade Mountains: Dennstaedtiaceae

The Wood Fern Family in the Cascade Mountains: Dryopteridaceae (Sword ferns, lady ferns, bladder ferns, oak ferns, cliff ferns)

Grapeferns and Moonworts of the Cascade Mountains: Ophioglossaceae

The Polypody Family in the Cascade Mountains: Polypodiaceae

The Maidenhair Family in the Cascade Mountains: Pteridaceae (Lip ferns, rock-brakes, lace ferns)

Paul Slichter E-mail