[Insects of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Butterflies of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Caterpillar on paintbrush - Caterpillar on paintbrush

Unidentified Larva A- Little Crater Lake Meadows....August 9, 2006 - Unidentified Larva B - Little Crater Lake Meadows......August 9, 2006.

The uppermost pair of photos show a butterfly larva (probably a checkerspot or fritillary) on an indian paintbrush as seen on the east side of Wedge Mountain, Wenatchee National Forest. The lower pair of photos show larvae observed at Little Crater Lake Meadows, Mount Hood National Forest.......August 9, 2006.

A very short list of butterflies to be found in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington. More species will be added in the future......

Milbert's Tortoiseshell: Aglais milberti

Arctic Fritillary: Boloria chariclea

Western Meadow Fritillary: Boloria epithore chermocki

Sheridan's Green Hairstreak: Callophrys sheridanii

Thicket Hairstreak: Callophrys spinetorum

Hoffman's Checkerspot, Aster Checkerspot, Pacific Checkerspot: Chlosyne hoffmannii

Propertius Duskywing: Erynnis propertius

Square-spotted Blue: Euphilotes battoides

Pacific Dotted Blue, Least Blue, Dotted Blue, Enoptes Blue: Euphilotes enoptes

Summit Blue: Euphilotes glaucon

Chalcedona Checkerspot, Colon Checkerspot, Snowberry Checkerspot, Variable Checkerspot, Western Checkerspot: Euphydrys chalcedona

Snowberry Checkerspot, Colon Checkerspot, Chalcedona Checkerspot, Variable Checkerspot: Epuphydrys colon

Edith's Checkerspot: Euphydryas editha

Western Tailed Blue, Tailed Blue: Everes amyntula

Silvery Blue: Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Chinquapin Hairstreak, Golden Hairstreak, Live Oak Hairstreak, Boisduval's Hairstreak, Yellow Hairstreak, Canyon Oak Hairstreak: Habrodais grunus

Boisduval's Blue: Icaricia icarioides

Brown Elfin: Incisalia augustinus

Purplish Copper: Lycaena helloides

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

California Tortoiseshell: Nymphalis californica

Woodland Skipper: Ochlodes sylvanoides

Great Arctic: Oeneis nevadensis

Pale Swallowtail, Pale Tiger Swallowtail: Papilio eurymedon

Anise Swallowtail, Zelicaon Swallowtail, Western Swallowtail: Papilio zelicaon

Mountain Parnassian, Rocky Mountain Parnassian, Smintheus Parnassian, Small Apollo, Rocky Mountain Apollo: Parnassius smintheus

Field Crescent: Phyciodes pulchella

Western White, Checkered White, Peak White: Pontia occidentalis

Hedgerow Hairstreak, Bronzed Hairstreak, Russet Hairstreak, Buckthorn Hairstreak: Satyrium saepium

Coronis Fritillary, Crown Fritillary: Speyeria coronis

Red Admirable: Vanessa atalanta

Painted Lady: Vanessa cardui

Unidentified Blue: Timberline, Mt. Hood.....August 29, 2008.

Paul Slichter E-mail