A very short list of butterflies to be found in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington. More species will be added in the future......
Milbert's Tortoiseshell: Aglais milberti
Arctic Fritillary: Boloria chariclea
Western Meadow Fritillary: Boloria epithore chermocki
Sheridan's Green Hairstreak: Callophrys sheridanii
Thicket Hairstreak: Callophrys spinetorum
Hoffman's Checkerspot, Aster Checkerspot, Pacific Checkerspot: Chlosyne hoffmannii
Propertius Duskywing: Erynnis propertius
Square-spotted Blue: Euphilotes battoides
Pacific Dotted Blue, Least Blue, Dotted Blue, Enoptes Blue: Euphilotes enoptes
Summit Blue: Euphilotes glaucon
Chalcedona Checkerspot, Colon Checkerspot, Snowberry Checkerspot, Variable Checkerspot, Western Checkerspot: Euphydrys chalcedona
Snowberry Checkerspot, Colon Checkerspot, Chalcedona Checkerspot, Variable Checkerspot: Epuphydrys colon
Edith's Checkerspot: Euphydryas editha
Western Tailed Blue, Tailed Blue: Everes amyntula
Silvery Blue: Glaucopsyche lygdamus
Chinquapin Hairstreak, Golden Hairstreak, Live Oak Hairstreak, Boisduval's Hairstreak, Yellow Hairstreak, Canyon Oak Hairstreak: Habrodais grunus
Boisduval's Blue: Icaricia icarioides
Brown Elfin: Incisalia augustinus
Purplish Copper: Lycaena helloides
Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis
California Tortoiseshell: Nymphalis californica
Woodland Skipper: Ochlodes sylvanoides
Great Arctic: Oeneis nevadensis
Pale Swallowtail, Pale Tiger Swallowtail: Papilio eurymedon
Anise Swallowtail, Zelicaon Swallowtail, Western Swallowtail: Papilio zelicaon
Mountain Parnassian, Rocky Mountain Parnassian, Smintheus Parnassian, Small Apollo, Rocky Mountain Apollo: Parnassius smintheus
Field Crescent: Phyciodes pulchella
Western White, Checkered White, Peak White: Pontia occidentalis
Hedgerow Hairstreak, Bronzed Hairstreak, Russet Hairstreak, Buckthorn Hairstreak: Satyrium saepium
Coronis Fritillary, Crown Fritillary: Speyeria coronis
Red Admirable: Vanessa atalanta
Painted Lady: Vanessa cardui
Unidentified Blue: Timberline, Mt. Hood.....August 29, 2008.