Buttercup Suksdorfia, Buttercup-leaf Mock Brookfoam, Buttercup-leaved Suksdorfia
Suksdorfia ranunculifolia
Synonyms: Boykinia ranunculifolia, Hemieva ranunculifolia, Saxifraga ranunculifolia
Buttercup-leaved suksdorfia as seen along the South Tieton Trail #1120 south of the Conrad Meadows Trailhead..........June 28, 2013.
Close-up images of the inflorescence of buttercup-leaved suksdorfia as seen along the South Tieton Trail #1120 south of the Conrad Meadows Trailhead..........June 28, 2013.
Close-up images of the inflorescence of buttercup-leaved suksdorfia as seen along the South Tieton Trail #1120 south of the Conrad Meadows Trailhead..........June 27, 2013.
Leaves of buttercup-leaved suksdorfia as seen along the Goat Ridge Trail #95 in Jordan Basin, Goat Rocks Wilderness.......July 12, 2018.
Paul Slichter