[The Rose Family in the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Avens of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Geum

Largeleaf Avens, Large Leaved Avens, Bigleaf Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum

Largeleaf Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum

Yellow Avens: Geum aleppicum (Synonyms: Geum aleppicum ssp. strictum, Geum aleppicum var. strictum, Geum strictum, Geum strictum var. decurrens) -

Bigleaf Avens, Largeleaf Avens, Large-leaved Avens, Rydberg's Largeleaf Avens: Geum macrophyllum (Synonyms: Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum, Geum macrophyllum ssp. perincisum, Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum, Geum macrophyllum var. rydbergii, Geum oregonense, Geum perincisum, Geum perincisum var. intermedium) - The two varieties seen directly below have recently been lumped together into this taxa. I've left them so one can view the original varieties.

Bigleaf Avens, Largeleaf Avens, Large Leaved Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum (Synonym: Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum) -

Bigleaf Avens, Largeleaf Avens, Large-leaved Avens, Rydberg's Largeleaf Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. perincisum (Synonyms: Geum macrophyllum ssp. perincisum, Geum macrophyllum var. rydbergii, Geum oregonense, Geum perincisum, Geum perincisum var. intermedium) -

Alpine Avens, Ross' Avens, Slender-stemmed Avens: Geum rossii (Synonyms: Geum gracilipes, Geum rossii var. depressum, Geum rossii var. rossii, Geum rossii var. turbinatum, Sieversia graciliipes) -

Old Man's Whiskers, Prairie Smoke, Red Avens: Geum triflorum var. ciliatum (Synonyms: Erythrocoma campanulata, Erythrocoma ciliata, Geum campanulatum, Geum canescens, Geum ciliatum, Geum triflorum var. campanulatum, Geum triflorum var. canescens, Geum triflorum var. triflorum, Sieversia campanulata, Sieversia canescens, Sieversia ciliata) -

Paul Slichter E-mail