[Spring Beauties and Miner's Lettuce: The Genus Claytonia in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Erubescent Miners Lettuce, Red-stemmed Miners Lettuce, Redstem Springbeauty

Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra

Synonym: Montia rubra

Erubescent Miners Lettuce, Red-stemmed Miners Lettuce, Redstem Springbeauty: Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra (Synonym: Montia rubra)

Redstem springbeauty blooming under oaks and douglas firs along the first half mile of the School Canyon Trail #469 , Badger Creek Wilderness............May 10, 2015. The basal leaf blades are spade-shaped while those of the similar variety depressa are more oblanceolate or rounded.

Paul Slichter