Bigleaf Sandwort, Large-leaf Sandwort
Moehringia macrophylla
Synonym: Arenaria macrophylla
Bigleaf sandwort as seen at left along the Eight Mile Loop Trail (on Five Mile Butte), Mount Hood National Forest...........May 17, 2015. The photo at right shows bigleaf sandwort as seen in a clear cut at Monte Cristo Natural Area Preserve......June 21, 2022.

Bigleaf sandwort observed at Grizzly Creek Campground, Jackson County Parks, OR......May 29, 2021.
The photo at left shows big-leaf sandwort was shot
along Forest Rd 82 at an approximate elevation of 2542' on Mt. Adams.........May
7, 2005.
The image at right was photographed along the Crofton Ridge Trail on Crofton Ridge on
the southern flanks of Mt. Adams..........May 28, 2005.
The image at left shows the flower of bigleaf sandwort as seen at Island Springs C.G., southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........May
30, 2006. The image at right was photographed along the Crofton Ridge Trail on Crofton Ridge on
the southern flanks of Mt. Adams.........May 28, 2005.
The image at left shows the inflorescence of bigleaf sandwort at Island Springs C.G., southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........May
30, 2006. The image at right shows bigleaf sandwort at the forest edge alongside What Road at the high point on Department of Natural Resources lands, Yakima County, WA.....May 31, 2024. (T16R16E S7)
Paul Slichter