Long-stalked Clover
Trifolium longipes var. multiovulatum
Synonyms: Trifolium caurinum, Trifolium covillei, Trifolium longipes ssp. caurinum, Trifolium longipes ssp. shastense, Trifolium longipes var. shastense, Trifolium oreganum var. multiovulatum, Trifolium rusbyi ssp. caurinum
Long-stalked clover observed along the Little Naches River Road, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest......June 9, 2019.

Long-stalked clover (var. multiovulatum) as seen in a swale along the North Loop Road (Steens Mountain) where the snow lays late into the season.........August 31, 2011.
Long-stalked clover (var. multiovulatum) as seen in a swale along the North Loop Road (Steens Mountain) where the snow lays late into the season.............August 31, 2011.

Long-stalked clover (var. multiovulatum) as seen in Summit Prairie, Malheur National Forest........June 26, 2011.
Additional close-up photos of long-stalked clover (var. multiovulatum) as seen in Summit Prairie, Malheur National Forest........June 26, 2011.
Long-stalked clover (var. multiovulatum) as seen in moist, rocky meadows along the South Loop Road about one mile downhill from the East Rim Viewpoint, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon........September 2, 2011.
Long-stalked clover (var. multiovulatum) as seen in moist, rocky meadows along the South Loop Road about two miles uphill from the Rooster Comb (left) and about one mile downhill from the East Rim Viewpoint (middle), Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon.........July 9, 2014. The photo at right was taken at the head of Kiger Gorge, Steens Mountain..........July 11, 2014..
Paul Slichter