[The Elderberry or Muskroot Family in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Inflorescence and leaves of High-bush Cranberry, Squashberry: Viburnum edule (Synonyms: Viburnum opulus var. edule,Viburnum pauciflorum)

The photo above shows the tri-lobed, opposite leaves and inflorescence of high-bush cranberry as seen at Island Cabin Campground on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........June 18, 2006.

High-bush Cranberry, Moosewood Viburnum, Squashberry: Viburnum edule (Synonyms: Viburnum opulus var. edule, Viburnum pauciflorum) - Shrub to 9 feet tall. Leaves oval, opposite, and toothed at the tip. Flowers small, arranged in fist-sized, saucer-shaped clumps. Flowers have a bad odor!

Oval-leaved Viburnum, Western Blackhaw: Viburnum ellipticum (Synonym: Viburnum ellipticum var. macrocarpum)

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