Bristly Currant, Bristly Black Gooseberry, Prickly Currant, Swamp Currant, Swamp Gooseberry
Ribes lacustre
Synonyms: Limnobotrya lacustris, Ribes lacustre var. parvulum, Ribes oxycanthoides var. lacustre
Prickly currant blooming along the Tamanawas Falls Trail, Mount Hood National Forest..........May 25, 2014.
Prickly currant in bloom at left along the Boundary Trail #1 east of the Johnstone Ridge Observatory, Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument........June 18, 2018. The photo at right shows the leaves of prickly currant as seen along the Toutle Trail #238 between Sheep Canyon and the South Fork Toutle River, Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument..........October 19, 2014.
Close-ups of the inflorescence of prickly currant as seen along the South Tieton Trail #1120, Wenatchee National Forest.........June 27, 2013.
Prickly currant in bloom along the Fifteenmile Creek Trail #456 about one hundred yards uphill to the west of the junction with the Cedar Creek Trail #457, Mount Hood National Forest.....June 27, 2023.
Paul Slichter