[The Geranium Family in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Geraniums of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Geranium

Richardson's Geranium, White Geranium, Richardson's Crane-bill, Richardson's Crane-bill, White Crane's-bill: Geranium richardsonii

Richardson's geranium as seen in vernally moist meadows along the Pacific Crest Trail on the south side of Mt. Ashland, Klamath National Forest, Jackson County, OR....July 22, 2021.

Bicknell's Geranium: Geranium bicknellii (Synonyms: Geranium bicknellii var. longipes, Geranium carolinianum var. longipes, Geranium nemorale, Geranium nemorale var. bicknellii) - Leaves 2-7 cm broad with the main divisions cut or cleft into lanceolate or oblong segments. Petals rose-purple, less than 7mm long, about equaling the sepals in length.

Carolina Geranium: Geranium carolinianum (Synonyms: Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum, Geranium carolinianum var. confertiflorum, Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum, Geranium sphaerospermum) - Leaf blades 2-7 cm broad, 5-9 parted with the primary divisions deeply divided into linear segments. Flowers purple with each petal 7-11 mm long, hardly longer than the sepals.

Longstalk Cranesbill, Long-stalked Geranium, Long-stalk Crane's-bill: Geranium columbinum - Flowers pink, five petalled, 7-11 mm wide. Calyx glandular-pilose.

Cutleaf Geranium, Cut-leaf Crane's-bill, Cut-leaf Geranium, Cut-leaf Crane's-bill: Geranium dissectum (Synonym: Geranium laxum) - Leaves 5-7 parted, segments deeply cleft into usually curved sections. Flowers are purple with petals less than 7 mm long.

Shining Cranesbill: geranium lucidum -

Dovefoot Geranium, Dove's Foot Geranium: Geranium molle - Small wildflower to 8 inches. Flowers small, pink, with notches at the tip of each petal. Leaves simple-palmate. Pistil develops into a shorter, thicker, needle-like seed pod.

Western Geranium: Geranium oreganum -

Small-flowered Cranesbill, Small-flower Crane's-bill, Small Geranium: Geranium pusilum -

White Geranium, Richardson's Geranium, White Crane's-bill: Geranium richardsonii -

Herb Robert, Herb-Robert, Robert Geranium, Stinky Bob: Geranium robertianum - Wildflower to one foot tall. Leaves compound palmate, light green, somewhat parsley-like but smaller. Leaves and stems lightly hairy. Flowers pink, five petalled,the petals 5-11 mm long. Calyx glandular-pilose.

Rydberg's Geranium, Sticky Purple Geranium: Geranium viscosissimum var. incisum (Synonyms: Geranium canum, Geranium nervosum, Geranium strigosius, Geranium strigosum, Geranium viscosissimum ssp. nervosum, Geranium viscosissimum var. nervosum)

Sticky Geranium, Sticky Purple Geranium: Geranium viscosissmum var. viscosissimum (Synonym: Geranium attenuilobum) - Found occasionally on the east slope of the southern Oregon Cascades.

Paul Slichter E-mail