Lesser Yellow Beardtongue, Yellow Penstemon
Penstemon confertus
The photo at left shows lesser yellow beardtongue as seen along Forest Road #39 adjacent to wet meadows at the head of Sinlahekin Creek, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest......July 29, 2018.
The photo at right shows yellow penstemon as seen
at about 6145' along the Round the Mt. Trail #9 (to the east of Madcat Meadows)
on the southern side of Mt. Adams.........July 29, 2005. The similar yellow form of sulphur penstemon (Penstemon attenuatus) has
many gland-tipped hairs within the inflorescence and conspicuously on the outer
surfaces of the corolla.
The photo at left shows a close-up view of the
calyx and corolla of yellow penstemon as seen at about 6145' along the Round
the Mt. Trail #9 (to the east of Madcat Meadows) on the southern side of Mt.
Adams.........July 29, 2005. Note again how glabrous the calyx
and corolla are. The photo at right shows a close-up view of the
internal structures of yellow penstemon as seen at about 6145' along the Round
the Mt. Trail #9 (to the east of Madcat Meadows) on the southern side of Mt.
Adams.........July 29, 2005. Note the characteristic purplish
outer surface of the anther sacs which are non-haired and split fully, and which
have the pairs largely opposite of each other. The tip of the staminode is slightly
expanded 9somewhat visible here, and typically bears a tuft of hairs at the

These photos show inflorescence and the glabrous
stem leaves of yellow penstemon as seen at about 6145' along the Round the Mt.
Trail #9 (to the east of Madcat Meadows) on the southern side of Mt. Adams..........July
29, 2005.

Yellow penstemon blooming on a bald between Forest Road 35 and the head of Wilson Creek, Okanogan-Wenatchee NF......July 12, 2024.