The figwort family was split into 4 families: Orobanchaceae, Phrymaceae, Plantaginaceae and Scrophulariaceae as seen below.
Broomrape Family: Orobanchaceae
Paintbrush: The Genus Castilleja -
Birdbeaks (Bird-beaks): The Genus Cordylanthus -
Common Eyebright, Hairy Eyebright: Euphrasia nemorosa (Synonyms: Euphrasia americana, Euphrasia arctica, Euphrasia arctica ssp. borealis, Euphrasia borealis, Euphrasia canadensis, Euphrasia curta, Euphrasia officinalis, Euphrasia pectinata, Euphrasia tatarica) -
Owlclovers: The Genus Orthocarpus -
Louseworts: The Genus Pedicularis -
Little Rattlebox: Rhinanthus minor -
Monkeyflower Family: Phrymaceae
Monkeyflowers (Monkey-flowers): The Genus Mimulus -
Plantain Family: Plantaginaceae
Blue-eyed Marys: The Genus Collinsia -
Foxglove: Digitalis purpurea var. purpurea -
Toadflax: The Genus Linaria -
Dalmatian Toadflax: Linaria dalmatica -
Butter-and-eggs: Linaria vulgaris -
Turtle Heads: Nothochelone nemorosa -
Penstemons: The Genus Penstemon -
Brooklimes and Speedwells: The Genus Veronica -
Figwort Family: Scrophulariaceae
Butterfly-bush: The Genus Buddleja
Mudworts: The Genus Limosella
Figworts: The Genus Scrophularia
Mulleins: The Genus Verbascum -