Annual White Paintbrush, Hairy Owl Clover, Hairy Indian Paintbrush, Thin Paintbrush
Castilleja tenuis
Synonyms: Orthocarpus hispidus, Orthocarpus rarior, Orthocarpus tenuis, Triphysaria hispida
Hairy owl clover as photographed in the King Mountain Rock Garden RNA of the Umpqua National Forest.........June 25, 2005.
What appears to be hairy owl clover as seen in the riparian area of the drained Howard Prairie Lake at Grizzly Creek Campground, Jackson County Parks, OR.....July 23, 2021. The plants are pretty robust and about one foot high. There is a slim possibility these could be Castilleja lacera.
Hairy owl clover as photographed at left along the School Canyon Trail #468, Badger Creek Wilderness..........May 10, 2015. The photo at right shows hairy owl clover blooming at Joe's Point. about one quarter of a mile east of the quarry near the 4440-160 spur road, Mount Hood National Forest......July 9, 2022.