Magenta paintbrush (with fanleaf cinquefoil: Potentilla flabellifolia) as seen blooming in a moist meadow where an old pack trail crosses the ridgeline between the South Fork Tieton River and Conrad Creek drainages, Goat Rocks Wilderness.........July 21, 2016.

Magenta paintbrush blooming on moist slopes above the Timberline Trail at a high point below the base of the terminal moraine of the Newton Glacier, Mount Hood National Forest......July 18, 2021.
Magenta paintbrush spotted at about 6800' along the Climber's Trail along the south rim of Hellroaring Canyon, Yakama Nation lands at Bird Creek Meadows......August 10, 2023. The pink form is uncommon.
Magenta paintbrush along the Scott Mountain Trail on the east side of Scott Mountain, Mount Washington Wilderness.....July 18, 2023.
Both photos of magenta paintbrush were taken west of Sunrise on Mt. Rainier.