Flytrap Dogbane, Spreading
Dogbane, Bitter-root Dogbane
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. pumilum
Synonyms: Apocynum androsaemifolium ssp. pumilum, Apocynum androsaemifolium var. tomenstellum, Apocynum pumilum, Apocynum pumilum var. pumilum, Apocynum pumilum var. rhomboideum
Spreading dogbane (var. pumilum) as seen at a bald along the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 about one-quarter mile uphill from the Barlow Pass trailhead, Mount Hood National Forest..........July 19, 2014.

The photo above shows flytrap dogbane (var. pumilum) as seen
atop Castle Rock, Willamette National Forest.........June 24, 2018.
The photo above shows flytrap dogbane as seen
at about 4100' on a rocky bald directly east of the rock quarry atop the ridge
that divides the Dairy Creek and Cougar Creek drainages at the southeastern
corner of Mt. Adams........July 31, 2005. Note the tubular corolla and broad sepals.

The photo above shows flytrap dogbane as seen
along the Glenwood-Trout Lake Highway on the south side of Mt. Adams........June 19, 2005. Note the inflorescence which is both axillary and terminal.

The photo above shows the long seed pods of spreading dogbane. At this stage, the venation in the pods still contain the white, sticky sap of this family, a drop of which can be seen oozing from a small nick in the pod at right. Photographed along Fisher Hill Road about 5 miles south of Conboy Lake NWR..........September 22, 2007.
Paul Slichter