Spreading Dogbane, Bitter Dogbane
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. androsaemifolium
Synonyms: Apocynum androsaemifolium ssp. androsaemifolium, Apocynum androsaemifolium var. incanum
Close-up views of the corolla of flytrap dogbane as seen about one-half mile south of the Little Spokane River near the Spokane Country Club........June 21, 2009. Note the bell-shaped corollas, characteristic of this variety.
Spreading dogbane (var. androsaemifolium) as seen at left in a 2016 wildfire burn along FS Road 9500-705 about one mile north of Renner Lake, Colville National Forest........June 25, 2016. The photo at right shows spreading dogbane still in bloom but also with lengthening fruits at the base of Three Corner Rock, Yacolt Burn Statel Forest.....August 7, 2021.
Flytrap dogbane as seen about one-half mile south of the Little Spokane River near the Spokane Country Club........June 21, 2009.

In case you're wondering what flytrap dogbane looks like during the fall leaf color season, here's a view of the vibrant yellow leaf color as seen along the Willard Springs Trail at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge......October 19, 2024.
Paul Slichter