Cascade Rockcress, Columbia Gorge Rockcress, Fork-haired Rockcress
Arabis furcata
Synonyms: Arabis furcata var. furcata, Arabis suksdorfii
Cascade rockcress as seen near the summit of Lookout Mountain at the northern edge of the Badger Creek Wilderness.........July 4, 2013 (left) and July 3, 2024 (right).
Cascade rockcress as seen near the summit of Lookout Mountain at the northern edge of the Badger Creek Wilderness.........June 21, 2014.
Cascade rockcress blooming (or with seed capsules) along the upper portion of the South Fork Conrad Creek and near Warm Lake, Goat Rocks Wilderness.........July 23, 2016.
Cascade rockcress blooming (or with seed capsules) in meadows along an old pack trail between the South and North Forks of Conrad Creek, Goat Rocks Wilderness.........July 21, 2016.

Basal leaves and fruits of cascade rockcress as seen along the Ironstone Trail #1141 about one-quarter mile west of its eastern trailhead near Cash Prairie, William O. Douglas Wilderness..........July 25, 2015.
Paul Slichter