Nuttall's Groundsmoke, Spreading Groundsmoke
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum
Synonyms: Gayophytum diffusum var. strictipes, Gayophytum helleri var. erosulatum, Gayophytum intermedium, Gayophytum lasiospermum, Gayophytum lasiospermum var. hoffmannii, Gayophytum lasiospermum var. lasiospermum, Gayophytum nuttallii, Gayophytum nuttallii var. abramsii, Gayophytum nuttallii var. intermedium, Gayophytum nuttallii var. nuttallii

The photo above shows spreading groundsmoke
as seen along the Crofton Ridge Trail #73..........July 16, 2006. Note
the relatively large petals (for groundsmokes) and the sepals reflexed sharply

Spreading groundsmoke blooming in a vernally moist swale with brewer's monkeyflower (Erythranthe breweri) and midget phlox (Microsteris gracilis) along the trail to Lookout Mountain, Badger Creek Wilderness..........July 17, 2016.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower
of spreading groundsmoke as seen on the Yakama Nation on the route to Bird Creek
Meadows........August 4, 2001. The petals are over 2 mm long.

The photo above shows spreading groundsmoke as seen along the
Crofton Ridge Trail #73, Mount Adams Wilderness.........July 16, 2006. Note the long leaves
lower on the stem. Plants stems are simple but can become quite branched with
Additional close-up photos of the flower of Nuttall's groundsmoke as seen along FS Road 16 at the east end of Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest.........August 20, 2011.
Paul Slichter