[Willowherbs and Spike-primroses: The Genus Epilobium in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Club-pod Willowherb, Talus Willowherb
Epilobium clavatum
Synonyms: Epilobium alpinum var. albiflorum, Epilobium alpinum var. clavatum

Club-pod willowherb as seen on a gravelbar in the middle of the South Fork Conrad Creek upstream of an old pack trail (that heads north to the North Fork Conrad Creek and Devils Horn) crossing, Goat Rocks Wilderness........July 23, 2016.
Club-pod willowherb as seen on a gravelbar in the middle of the South Fork Conrad Creek upstream of an old pack trail (that heads north to the North Fork Conrad Creek and Devils Horn) crossing, Goat Rocks Wilderness........July 23, 2016.

The photo above shows club-pod willowherb as seen above 6500'
along the Highline Trail #114 on the north side of Mt. Adams........July
11, 2005.

The photo above shows a close-up of a stem leaf of club-pod willowherb
as seen above 6500' along the Highline Trail #114 on the north side of Mt. Adams.......July
11, 2005.
Close-up images of the club-shaped pod of club-pod
willowherb as seen above 6500' along the Highline Trail #114 on the north side
of Mt. Adams.......July 11, 2005. The capsules are widest near the tips.
Club-pod willowherb as seen along the upper portions of East Fork Adams Creek near 6400', Mt. Adams Wilderness..........August 20, 2013.
Paul Slichter