[Orchids of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Ladies Tresses of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Spiranthes

Creamy Ladies'-tresses, Creamy Lady's Tress, Western Ladies'-tresses, Western Ladies' Tresses: Spiranthes porrifolia (Synonym: Spiranthes romanzoffiana var. porrifolia) - Hooded Lady's Tresses, Hooded Ladies'-tresses, Hooded Ladies' Tresses: Spiranthes romanzoffiana (Synonyms: Gyrostachys stricta, Ibidium strictum, Spiranthes romanzoffiana var. romanzoffiana, Spiranthes stricta)

Differences between Creamy Lady's Tresses (Spiranthes porrifolia) at left and Hooded Lady's Tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana) at right.

Diluvium Ladies'-tresses: Spiranthes diluvialis (Synonym: Spiranthes romanzoffiana var. diluvialis) -

Western Ladie's-tresses, Western Ladies Tresses: Spiranthes porrifolia (Synonym: Spiranthes romnzoffiana var. porrifolia) -

Hooded Ladie's-tresses, Hooded Ladies Tresses: Spiranthes romanzoffiana (Synonyms: Gyrostachys stricta, Ibidium strictum, Spiranthes romanzoffiana var. romanzoffiana, Spiranthes stricta) -

Starry Ladie's-tresses: Spiranthes stellata (Synonym: Spiranthes romanzoffiana var. romanzoffiana)

Western Ladie's-tresses, Western Ladies Tresses: Spiranthes porrifolia (Synonym: Spiranthes romnzoffiana var. porrifolia)

Western Ladie's-tresses: Spiranthes porrifolia

Paul Slichter E-mail