Cascade Lily, Washington Lily, Shasta Lily
Lilium washingtonianum ssp. purpurascens
Synonym: Lilium washingtonianum var. purpurascens
The photo shows the spectacular washington lily as seen in open coniferous forest on the eastern slopes of Lookout Mt. to the east of Mt. Hood........August 2, 2008.
The photo at right shows a close-up of the flower of Washington Lily. New flowers are whitish or cream in coloration before turning pinkish or purplish with age. Photographed at Bald Mt. on the northwestern slopes of Mt. Hood..........July 15, 2007.
Close-up images of Washington lilies as seen emerging from creeping snowberry bushes (Symphoricarpos mollis) along Forest Road 17, Mount Hood National Forest.............June 21, 2014.
Washington lilies blooming along Forest Road #17, Mt. Hood National Forest.......July 13, 2019.
Washington lily as seen along Forest Road #44, Mount Hood National Forest...........July 4, 2013.
This photo shows a close-up two of the flowers of Washington Lily. Photographed at Bald Mt. on the northwestern slopes of Mt. Hood........July 15, 2007.
The leafy stems of Washington lilies as seen along the Tamanawas Falls Trail, Mt. Hood National Forest..........May 24, 2014.
Leafy stem of Washington lily as seen at left along the Little Badger Creek Trail #469, Badger Creek Wilderness..........May 10, 2015. The photo at center shows the leafy stem of Washington lily as seen near Pilot Butte, southern Jackson County, OR....May 26, 2021.

This photo shows a Washington lily at High Rock about ten miles west of Timothy Lake in the Mt. Hood National Forest.
Paul Slichter