[Docks and Sorrels: The Genus Rumex in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Sheep-sorrel, Common Sheep Sorrel, Sour Dock, Red Sorrel

Rumex acetosella

Synonyms: Acetosella acetosella, Acetosella tenuifolia, Acetosella vulgaris, Rumex acetosella ssp. angiocarpus, Rumex acetosella var. pyrenaeus, Rumex acetosella var. tenuifolius, Rumex angiocarpus, Rumex tenuifolius

Sheep-sorrel, Common Sheep Sorrel, Sour Dock, Red Sorrel: Rumex acetosella (Synonyms: Acetosella acetosella, Acetosella tenuifolia, Acetosella vulgaris, Rumex acetosella ssp. angiocarpus, Rumex acetosella var. pyrenaeus, Rumex acetosella var. tenuifolius, Rumex angiocarpus, Rumex tenuifolius)

The photo above shows sheep-sorrel as seen at about 4100' at a rock quarry atop the ridge dividing the Dairy Creek and Cougar Creek drainages at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams......July 10, 2005.

Paul Slichter