Kellogg's Knotweed
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. kellogii
Synonyms: Polygonum kelloggii, Polygonum minutissimum, Polygonum unifolium
Kellogg's knotweed as seen at 4100' at the DNR rock quarry abreast
the ridge that divides the Dairy and Cougar Creek drainages at the southeastern
corner of Mt. Adams.........June 11, 2005.
Kellogg's knotweed observed along the Pacific Crest Trail between Soda Mountain and Hobart Bluff, southern Jackson County, OR.....May 28, 2021.
Kellogg's knotweed observed in a grassy bald along the Cedar Creek Trail #457 about 4 miles east of Fifteenmile Creek Campground, Mt Hood National Forest......June 27, 2023.
Paul Slichter