[Wildflowers with 3 Petals in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Buckwheat Family in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale from moraine above Cooper Spur, Mt. Hood Wilderness
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale from moraine above Cooper Spur, Mt. Hood Wilderness

Members of the Buckwheat Family Found in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington:

Bistorts: The Genus Bistorta -

Buckwheats: The Genus Eriogonum -

Mountain Sorrel Oxyria digyna -

Knotweeds: The Genera Aconogonon, Fallopia, Persicaria and Polygonum -

Docks: The Genus Rumex -

Paul Slichter E-mail