[Pacific Northwest Wildflower Bloom Reports]

Wildflower Hikes and Nature Field Trips

July & August 2007

Field Trips Originating from Portland, OR or Localities in the Columbia River Gorge:

July 2007


Field Trip: Tamanawas Falls: Sunday, July 1st.

Tamanawas Falls trail would be worth the trip even if there weren't a beautiful waterfall at its terminus. On the eastern slopes of Mt. Hood this is a moderate 5.5 mile hike with 500 feet of elevation gain. Almost 90 species of plants have been recorded on this trail. The number of hikers are limited. Call Don at 503.235.6234 or e-mail donj@donjacobsonphoto.com for reservations, times, trailhead and car pool location.


Field Trip: Mt. Adams, Bird Creek Meadows - Saturday, July 21st

This trip visits one of the more famous wildflower sites in the northwest. This is a site with good bird & butterfly viewing, as well as spectacular views of subalpine and alpine scenery. We should see marsh marigolds, elephanthead lousewort, Jeffrey's shootingstar, several penstemons paintbrush and many others. 200 miles RT. Moderate hike of 7 miles with 1000' elevation gain. The number of hikers are limited. Optional stop for dinner enroute home. Call Paul Slichter (503) 661-3292 or e-mail at pslichte@teleport.com to register.


Field Trip: Mt. Hood, Cooper's Spur - Saturday, August 4

Hike trails departing from Cloud Cap Inn on the scenic northeastern slope of Mt.Hood. See low mt. lupine, silky lupine, Cascade aster, pussypaws, Lewis' monkeyflower, and many others. Moderately strenuous hike to near 7500' possible, about 7 miles RT and 1400' elevation gain. 200 miles RT driving. Call Paul Slichter (503) 661-3292 or e-mail at pslichte@teleport.com to register.

For a Broader View of Upcoming NW Wildflower Hikes and Events :

Native Plant Society of Oregon (Click on "What's New" and then "NPSO Calendar" for a list of current events.)

Washington Native Plant Society (Find Local Chapters in the Menu at left, then click on Field Trips.)

Friends of the Columbia Gorge (They lead several hikes in the Columbia River Gorge each weekend!)

Oregon Wild (They lead hikes to the Columbia River Gorge and to other sites in Oregon throughout the year.)

Paul Slichter E-mail