Trailhead to North & Bear Lakes and Mt. Defiance
Mt. Hood N.F.
July 24, 2001
* Indicates the wildflower is blooming.
Elevation: 3852' -------- N45*38.163' -------- W 121*44.557' --------(+/- 81')
The area reviewed is on the north side of the road within 200' of the above coordinates and includes a shaded riparian area as well as dry coniferous.
*1. Columbia Tiger Lily: Lilium columbianum
*2. Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera (Habenaria) saccata
*3. Merten's Coral Root: Corallorhiza mertensiana
4. Rattlesnake Plantain: Goodyera oblongifolia (Almost in bloom.)
*5. Broad-lip Twayblade: Listera convallarioides
*6. Red Sorrel: Rumex acetosella
*7. Marsh-marigold: Caltha biflora
*8. Bunchberry: Cornus canadensis
*9. Inside-out-flower: Vancouveria hexandra
*10. Thimbleberry: Rubus parviflora
11. Pipsissewa: Chimaphila umbellata (Almost in bloom.)
*12. Pinesap: Hypopitys monotropa
13. Large Pyrola: Pyrola asarifolia
*14. Sidebells Pyrola: Pyrola secunda var. secunda
15. Great Hedge Nettle: Stachys cooleyae
*16. Common Paintbrush: Castilleja miniata
*17. American Brooklime: Veronica americana
*18. Twinflower: Linnaea borealis
*19. Pearly Everlasting: Anaphalis margaritacea
*20. Broad-leaf Arnica: Arnica latifolia
*21. White-flowered Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum
*22. Arrow-leaf Groundsel: Senecio triangularis
*23. Candy Stick: Allotropa virgata
24. Pinedrops: Pterospora andromedea (Almost in bloom.)
Adult Swainson's Thrush feeding fledged young.